Land Law

 Most important previous year questions Unit wise


1. What is social impact assessment? Why this included in land acquisition? 

2.Explain the procedure to acquire land right to fair compensation and transparency in land acquisition rehabilitation and resettlement act 2013.

3. Write a note rehabilitation and resettlement award. 

4.Explain the history of land acquisition law in India.

5.Write a note on determination of market value.

6. Explain the welfare concept of the land acquisition act, 2013.

7. Write a note on safeguard food security.

8. Explain the special powers of Appropriate Government under the Land Acquisition Act, 2013 to take possession of Land in time of emergency.


9. Discuss the constitution, powers and functions of land acquisition rehabilitation and resettlement authority.

10. Explain the procedure and manner relating to payment of compensation under Land acquisition under Land acquisition act 2013.

11. Write a note on notification.

12. Write a note on apportionment of compensation.

13.Explain National monitoring committee for rehabilitation and resettlement.

14. Write a note on rehabilitation and settlement authority

15.State monitoring committee.

16.Explain the Appeal against the award of authority.


17.Discuss the constitution and powers of Karnataka revenue appellate tribunal under land revenue act.

18.Write a note on revenue officer under Karnataka land revenue act

19. Write a note on record of rights.

20.Explain the exclusive jurisdiction of revenue courts under Karnataka land revenue act.

21.Explain the power and functions of revenue appellate tribunal.

22.Explain the constitution and powers of revenue officers under Karnataka land revenue act.

23. Discuss the law concession of land from agriculture in to non agriculture purpose under Karnataka land revenue act 1964.

24. Who can grant land under Karnataka land revenue act and also discuss the procedure briefly.


25.All land liable to land revenue unless specially exempted explain?

26. Write a note on Alluvial land.

27.Narrate the features of Karnataka schedule caste and scheduled tribes ( prohibition of certain lands act).

28. Discuss the classification of land under Karnataka land reforms act 1951.

29. What are the main aims and objectives of Karnataka land reforms act 1961. 30.Explain the provisions regarding cooperative forms under Karnataka land reforms act 1961.

31.Explain the restrictions on holding or transfer of agriculture lands under Karnataka land reforms act 1961.

32.Explain the provisions to cultivation and uncultivated lands under Karnataka land reforms act 1961.


33. Discuss the composition and powers of real estate regulatory authority under real estate (regulation and development) act 2016.

34. Describe briefly the registration of real estate projects registration of real estate agents and real estate act 2016.

35.Functions and duties of promoters under real estate act 2016.

36.Discuss the various provisions relating to regulatory authority under real estate regulation and development act 2016.

37.Define allottee. Explain the rights and duties of allottees.

38. Write a note on real estate Appellate tribunal.

39. Write a note on common areas.

40. Explain the real estate agent under RERA.

Problems related questions

41. Land lord issued a notice to his tenant asking to pay arrears of 5 months rent within two months. In spite of notice, tenant fails to pay the arrears of rent. Land lord filed a suit for eviction after the expiry of the notice period. Now the tenant pleads before the court to his readiness to pay. Decide.

42. The promoter of real estate firm after obtaining the necessary approval from the appropriate authorities developed a layout. But during this course he deviated the forms and conditions of license. Decide.

43. The tenant after taking possession of building under rent agreement, could not occupy or use the building for 6 months. Whether the land lord can terminate the agreement? Decide with reasons.

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