Penology & VIctimology

Most important previous year questions Unit wise


1. Define punishment. Briefly explain the theories of punishment

2. What is crime prevention ? Discuss the procedure for crime prevention

3. Explain the various theories of punishment.

4. Discuss the kinds of programmes which are adopted in crime prevention programmes.

5. Explain the importance of penology in the administration of criminal justice 

6. Write a note on History of Victimology,

7. What is punishment? Explain the different kinds of punishment? 


8. What is sentencing process? Discuss the factors to be considered sentencing process.

9. What is capital punishment? Discuss whether capital punishment
abolished or retained.

10. What is rarest of rare case? Explain with the decided cases
11. Write a note on pre-sentencing enquiry

12. Explain the arguments in favour of retaining and abolishing capital punishment.

13.Discuss the rights of prisoners under the Indian Constitution. 

14. Discuss the provisions relating to Victim's compensation under Cr.P.C. 1973.


15. Write a note child victims

16. What is an open prison? Explain its advantages and disadvantages 

17. Discuss the development of victimology with special reference to India.

18. Write a note on parole.

15. Write a note on problems faced by women prisoners

20. Discuss different categories of victims in need of special and greater attention.

21. How do you consider jail as a reformative institute?

22. Write a note on Rape victims.

23. Discuss the development and reforms in prison system of India.

24. Discuss the history and philosophy of victimology.


25. Explain criminal injuries compensation schemes with reference to united kingdom.

26. Explain the Powers and duties of probation officer.

27. Victim's right to compensation.

28. Write a note on Euthanasia.

29. Write a note on consumer victims.

30. Discuss different categories of victims in need of special and greater attention

31. Explain the remedies available to victims in North America.

32. Write a note on Restitution.

33. Write note on Dr. V. S. Malimath commission report on victims compensation


34. Explain the role of Indian courts relating to crime victims with the help of decided cases.

35. Write pardoning power of the president

36. Write a note of N.H.R.C in awarding compensation to victims.

37. Write a note on structure and organisation of police in India.

38. Write a note on plea - Bargaining in India.

39. Write a role of national human rights commission.

40. Explain the Functions of NHRC.

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